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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
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1. Kenney, Ellen. "Power and Patronage in Mamluk Syria: The Architecture and Urban Works of Tankiz al-Nasiri, 1312-1340." xl, 572 pp., 374 pls.. Ph.D. dissertation, New York University, 2004.
Subjects: Individuals--Tankiz al-Nasiri/Architecture
2. Kenney, Ellen. "A Mamluk Monument 'Restored': The Dār al-Qurʾān wa-al-Ḥadīth of Tankiz al-Nāṣirī in Damascus." Mamlūk Studies Review 11, 1 (2007): 85-118.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Damascus/Individuals--Tankiz al-Husami al-Nasiri
3. Kenney, Ellen. "Mixed Metaphors: Iconography and Medium in Mamluk Glass Mosaic Decoration." Artibus Asiae 66, ii (2006): 175-200.
Notes: See online:
Subjects: Arts/Architecture
4. Kenney, Ellen, Power and Patronage in Mamluk Syria: The Architecture and Urban Works of Tankiz al-Nasiri, 1312-1340. xiii, 257 pp. Chicago: Middle East Documentation Center, 2009.
Notes: Review see Watenpaugh
Subjects: Individuals--Tankiz al-Nasiri/Architecture
5. Kenney, Ellen, "A Mamluk Monument Reconstructed: An Architectural History of the Mosque and Mausoleum of Tankiz al-Nasiri in Damascus." In The Arts of the Mamluks in Egypt and Syria--Evolution and Impact. 1. Edited by Doris Behrens-Abouseif. 141-162. Goettingen: Bonn University Press/V&R unipress, 2012.
Series: Mamluk Studies, 1
Subjects: Architecture/Arts/Places--Damascus
6. Kenney, Ellen. ""Reconstructing" Mamluk ʿAjlūn: The 728/1328 Flood Report as a Source on Architectural Patronage." Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan 10, (2009): 787-794.
Subjects: Archaeology/Historiography/Architecture/Places
7. Kenney, Ellen, Power and Patronage on Display: Mamluk Art in the New Galleries at the Metropolitan Museum. 1. Edited by Conermann, Stephan. 40 p.. Berlin: EB Verlag, 2013.
Series: Ulrich Haarmann Memorial Lecture, 4
Subjects: Arts/Culture
8. Kenney, Ellen. "" Mamlūk Studies Review 20, (2017): 133-166.
Notes: Online at:
Subjects: Architecture



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